The 7 Chakras Balancing Scent for All Sampler
When you want to balance each of the 7 Chakras as needed, this complete set is the answer. Each bottle is 1/2 of the full size rollerball. Every Chakra scent combines the essentail oils specifically associated with clearing it's energy blocks. They are fantastic to apply to help you set intentions for the day. I also love to apply them before bed to encourage my mind to work through hindrances.
Crown Chakra- This blend will help you find your bliss, opening you up to the universal consciousness.
sweet almond oil, essential oils of rose, lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, rosewood, myrrh, helichrysum, jasmine, neroli, vetiver
Third Eye Chakra- This chakra holds our peace of mind, projection of will, and ability to manifest. Our intuition and imagination are lost when it is blocked.Ingredients
sweet almond oil, essential oils of star anise, petitgrain, mugwort, neroli, juniper berry, lavender, sage, bay, ylang ylang, sandalwood, vetiver, helichrysum, frankincense, marjoram, chamomile, patchouli
Throat Chakra- When there is harmony for your Throat Chakra you are able to tap into your sense of individuality and freedom. Creative self expression and truth can flow freely when the chakra is in balance.Ingredients
sweet almond oil, essential oils of sandalwood, bergamot, geranium, lavender, sage, cypress, roman chamomile, peppermint, eucalyptus
Heart Chakra- The Heart Chakra is home to unconditional love, harmony, and compassion. It is the chakra of transformation and healing. The Heart Chakra is the place where we focus on devotion and sharing.Ingredients
sweet almond oil, essential oils of rose, geranium, jasmine, lavender, wild orange, lemon, sweet orange, neroli. frankincense, cypress, ylang ylang, bergamot, chamomile, eucalyptus, vetiver, patchouli, marjoram
Solar Plexus- The Solar Plexus is the center of inner harmony, peace, and joy. Our personal power, strength, authority, self acceptance, social identity, and self control are all part of this Chakra.
sweet almond oil, essential oils of myrrh, coriander, black pepper, cedar, ginger helichrysum, vetiver, lavender, cypress, ylang ylang, chamomile, sandalwood, grapefruit, petitgrain, geranium, lemongrass, lemon, clove, rosemary, cinnamon
Sacral Chakra- The Sacral Chakra is where our primal feelings, sexuality, desire, and sensuality are centered. Our relationships, union with nature as well as openness and personal creativity are all aspects of this Chakra- a blockage can effect numerous areas of life.Ingredients
sweet almond oil, essential oils of ylang ylang, frankincense, gardenia, clary sage, rose, sandalwood, myrrh, helichrysum, bergamot, patchouli, sweet orange, neroli, lavender, jasmine, petitgrain, vetiver
Root Chakra- The Root Chakra holds our ability to ground oneself. It is the center of stability, satisfaction, survival, and vitality. Our primal trust and full acceptance of life are all housed here. It is the source of our ability to be present in the moment, as well as linked to our courage.Ingredients
sweet almond oil, essential oils of frankincense, sandalwood, cedarwood, black pepper, ginger, bergamot vetiver, sweet orange, lavender, clary sage, myrrh, helichrysum, rosemary, patchouli, cedar, cardamom, cinnamon bark